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作者: EZ TALK編輯部 (著)
學科分類: 語言學
書籍分類: 語言學 ; 英文 ; 語言學習
出版社: 日月文化出版股份有限公司

Taipei, Manila Launch Parallel Investigation of Shooting 台北與馬尼拉展開射擊案平行調查
Pope Francis Draws Millions in Brazil 方濟教宗到訪巴西,吸引數百萬民眾到
The Future King of England 未來的英王
Weapons Inspectors Heading to Syria 武器檢查員前往敘利亞
Siew and Xi Meet at APEC Forum 亞太論壇蕭習會
Hundreds Dead, Missing as Migrant Boat Sinks off Italy 非洲移民船沉沒義國海域,死亡失蹤逾數百人
Authorities Foil N.Y. Protest Bid to Shut Wall Street 有關當局阻撓紐約抗議人士癱瘓華爾街的行動
Inquiry Blames Ex-president for Cyprus Financial Crisis 調查把塞普勒斯金融危機歸咎於前總統
Singapore and EU Move Closer to FTA 新加坡和歐盟往簽署FTA 邁進一步
U.S. Government Shutdown Ends 美國政府停擺落幕
Bubble Fears as House Prices Hit Record High 倫敦房價屢創新高,恐造成泡沫化
Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher Dead at 87 鐵娘子柴契爾夫人辭世,享年八十七歲
Russia Grants Snowden Temporary Asylum 俄羅斯給予史諾登暫時庇護
Egypt Outlaws Muslim Brotherhood 埃及撤銷穆斯林兄弟會合法地位
Italian Prime Minister Wins Confidence Vote 義大利總理贏得信任投票
U.N. Probes North Korea Abuses 聯合國調查北韓殘酷勞改
Norway Mass Killer Anders Behring Breivik Defends Massacre 挪威殺人狂為屠殺自辯
Six-year-old Kindergartner Handcuffed, Charged in School Tantrum 六歲幼稚園學童上手銬,在校亂發脾氣而被告
Boston Bombing Suspect Apprehended 波士頓爆炸案嫌疑犯遭拘捕
Accused Kidnapper Faces 329 Criminal Charges 遭起訴綁匪面臨三百二十九項刑事控訴
Boy Scouts Lift Gay Ban 美國解除男童軍同志禁令
Taiwan Amends Military Justice Law 洪案促使台灣軍審法改制
U.S. Army Vets Caught Doing Drug Cartel’s Dirty Work 美國退役軍人為販毒集團行不法勾當被捕
Fukushima Disaster Continues 福島災難持續不斷
Death Toll Up, Gasoline Lines Grow in Monster Storm’s Wake 超級颶風過境後,死亡人數攀升,加油大排長龍
Polar Bear Starvation Due to Sea Ice Loss 北極熊因海冰減少而餓死
Sakurajima Eruption Covers City in Ash 櫻島火山爆發,火山灰覆蓋全市
Dominicans Sweep World Baseball Classic 多明尼加橫掃世界棒球經典賽
Nadal Wins Record Eighth French Open Title 納達爾八度稱霸法網公開賽,締造新猷
Tokyo to Host 2020 Summer Olympic Games 東京將主辦二○二○年夏季奧運
Oracle Team USA Wins America’s Cup in Historic Comeback 美國甲骨文帆船隊演出史上最大逆轉,贏得美洲盃冠軍
Gangnam Style’s PSY Breaks Record 江南style 走紅國際
Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Raises Eyebrows 麥莉希拉 VMA 大獎演出惹議
Is Ronan Farrow Sinatra’s Love Child? 羅南法羅是辛納屈的私生子?
Amélie Director Disgusted by Musical 《艾蜜莉的異想世界》改拍音樂劇,導演不屑
Kanye Clashes with Paparazzi Again 肯伊再槓狗仔
Top Pot Bakery Guilty of False Advertising 胖達人麵包廣告不實
Sweden Ranked Best Country to Grow Old 瑞典獲選為最佳養老國
Thousands Quit Facebook over Privacy Concerns 隱私堪慮,數千人停用臉書
Chinese Coffee Drinkers Pay High Price for Starbucks 中國咖啡消費者得付高價購買星巴克
Norwegian to Launch Cheap Transatlantic Flights 挪威航空將開越洋廉價航線
Fat Tax: Denmark’s Answer for Unhealthy Foods 丹麥對付不健康食品的方法
Angelina Jolie Has Double Mastectomy 安潔莉娜裘莉接受雙乳切除手術
Michael Douglas Blames Cancer on Oral Sex 麥克道格拉斯將罹癌歸咎口交
Scientists Closer to Universal Flu Shot 萬用流感疫苗問世在即
China’s Smog Crisis 中國陷入霾害危機
Newly Discovered “Super-Earth” Could Support Life 新發現的超級地球或許能孕育生命
Beijing Orders New Controls on Weibo Microblogs 北京實施微博新管制
Google Glass Says No to Porn Google 眼鏡對色情說不
Frankenbeef or Meat of the Future? 要選人造牛肉還是真肉,未來可見分曉?
Englert and Higgs Win Physics Nobel 安格勒與希格斯贏得諾貝爾物理獎
Van Gogh, Now in 3D! 3D 梵谷,震撼推出
World’s Smallest Frog Discovered in Papaua New Guinea 巴布亞新幾內亞發現世界上最小的青蛙
Norway’s Five Star Prison 挪威五星級監獄
Elderly Paraguayan Couple Marries after 80 Years Together 愛情長跑八十年,巴拉圭老倆口步入禮堂
Special Underwear Filters Farts 特殊內褲讓放屁不再尷尬
Giant Duck Becomes Earthquake Victim 黃色小鴨淪為地震受難者
Clerk Saved by Cell Phone 手機救了店員一命

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